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Network statistics

Network statistics

This section describes the methods of retreiving and monitoring the network. Data can be collected to provide the routing tree of the network, link quality, etc.

Retrieving statistics

To retreive statistics from the nodes in the network, the NETWORK_GET_STATISTICS message is sent to the Mira module. This command can be addressed to a specific node in the network, or broadcasted to all nodes.

When broadcasted to all nodes, the responses may cause a network flood resulting in dropped packets. To avoid this, the payload to this message is a parameter to specify a time interval (in seconds) where the nodes will reply randomly within this time frame. It is recommended to set this interval as long as possible if the network is large. If this message is addressed directly to one node, this parameter is ignored and the node will respond immediately.

Message class Message type Data length Data
0x7 0x3 1 Time interval (in seconds)

The nodes will respond with a NETWORK_STATISTICS message containing a set of node data.

Message class Message type Parameter length Data
0x7 0x4 51 Statistics data block

The statistics data block is built up of the following parameters:

Parameter Data type Data size Description
node_eui uint8_t 8 Node's EUI64 address
parent_eui uint8_t 8 Parent's EUID64 address
os_version_major uint8_t 1 MiraOS version, major
os_version_minor uint8_t 1 MiraOS version, minor
link_quality uint8_t 1 Average link quality to parent
channel_error_rate uint16_t 16 RF channel error rate per channel

Discovering all nodes

To build list of all nodes in the network, it is recommeded to broadcast the NETWORK_GET_STATISTICS command as described above to the entire network. It is, to reduce the risk of dropped packets, recommended to use a long response time frame, and to send the command at least twice.

From the data received it is possible to build network graphs to show the network topology and to build a list of all nodes in the network.

Ping a device

It's possible to send a ping to a device to see if it is online using the NETWORK_PING message. It's possible to include a payload data for testing purposes that will be looped in the device.

Message class Message type Data length Data
0x7 0x9 33 Ping parameters

The ping parameters are:

Parameter Data type Data size Description
length uint8_t 1 Loop data length
data uint8_t 32 Loop data

The addressed node will respond with a NETWORK PONG message. The node will loop back the data into the message.

Message class Message type Data length Data
0x7 0xA 33 Pong parameters

The pong parameters are:

Parameter Data type Data size Description
length uint8_t 1 Loop data length
data uint8_t 32 Loop data

Response codes

When sending a message to the Mira module, the application should expect to receive response codes from the Mira module. These response codes will be sent from the Mira module to the application as a response to every request. The application shall not send responses to the Mira module.

Response type Message class Message type Data type Data length Data
NETWORK_ACK 0x7 0x1 n/a 0 n/a
NETWORK_ERROR 0x7 0x2 uint8_t 1 0x02 – unknown message type
0x03 – incorrect message size
0x05 – invalid addressing mode