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Network/Device management

Network management

This section describes the methods for setting the network up. Every node in a network need to know some things about the network;

  • the network ID, a 16 bit ID that identifies this network.
  • the AES key, a 128bit encryption key used for encryption and validation of network traffic.

There are basically two main approaches of getting these parameters in to the devices. Either you use our fantastic provisioning application that takes care of setting these parameters, and even more. Or you set them yourself through the API. This section cover the later option.

Set network credentials

Network credentials (network ID and AES key) is set using the SETTINGS_SET_CREDENTIALS command.

Message class Message type Data length Data
0x8 0x3 18 Credentials

The credentials data block is built up of the following parameters:

Parameter Data type Data size Description
net_id uint16_t 1 Network ID
aes_key uint8_t 16 AES key

Becoming network root

One node in the network must be the network root. This is typically a central control node, or the gateway towards the Internet. To become the root node, send the SETTINGS_BECOME_ROOT command.

Message class Message type Data length Data
0x8 0x4 0 n/a

Commit settings

For the settings above to take effect, the SETTINGS_COMMIT commands needs to be sent to the module.

Message class Message type Data length Data
0x8 0xA 0 n/a

Device management

Selecting antenna

Antenna selection is done using the SETTINGS_SET_ANTENNA command.

Message class Message type Data length Data
0x8 0x5 1 Configuration

The MiraOne module support two different antenna options;

  • Internal chip antenna
  • External antenna through a u.FL (IPEX) antenna connector
Parameter Data type Data size Description
antenna uint8_t 1 0x00 - internal antenna
0x01 - external antenna