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Firmware Update

The firmware of the W-Modbus module can be updated using Nordic Semiconductor's nRF Connect app, available for both Mobile and Desktop devices.

To update the device, the module needs to be put in bootloader/DFU mode. This can be accomplished in one of two ways:

  • Set BOOTLOADER_ENABLED to 1 using the SPI or UART interface.
  • Drive the BOOTLOADER pin low while booting the module with the nRESET pin. Once the module has booted into DFU mode, the BOOTLOADER pin doesn't need to be driven any longer.

Once in DFU mode, the module can be found in nRF Connect's list of Bluetooth devices. Connect to the device and use the zip-file found here to update to the latest version of our firmware.

The module will boot in application mode again if no BLE activity has occurred in 2 minutes. Performing a reset via the nRESET-pin will also immediately boot the module in application mode again.

For detailed instructions as well as the latest firmware, please look at our support page.

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