Mode selection (FX version only)

This chapter describes the different methods of selecting between the different flex modes – also known as modes of operation. This only applies to Pluggy FX. Pluggy RX can not be configured for this as it is only a receiver module.

Flex mode (RX/TX)

The Pluggy FX can act either as receiver or a transmitter of wireless DMX. The mode must be selected for the device to operate in the right way.

Selecting via input signal

Pin 11 on the module controls the flex mode selection behaviour. Note: Voltage on Pin 11 may not exceed 3.3V.

Voltage Description
< 0.5V Transmitter mode
1.5-1.8V Software controlled
> 2.8V Receiver mode

Software controlled mode selection

At power up Holding the link switch input low while powering up the device, and then releasing the input to go high within 3 seconds will toggle the RX/TX mode.

During operation By pressing the link switch shortly 5 times, and then press-and-hold the button for at least 3 seconds enters TX/RX mode selection. The Status LED will blink to indicate the currently selected mode. Press link switch momentarily to toggle mode, press-and-hold the link switch for at least 3 seconds to store the selection.

  • 2 Hz blink: TX mode selected
  • 5 Hz blink: RX mode selected

TX protocol selection

By pressing the link switch shortly 3 times, and then press-and-hold the button for at least 3 seconds enters TX protocol selection. The RGB LED will blink fast in different colors to indicate the currently selected protocol.

Press link switch momentarily to toggle mode, press-and-hold the link switch for at least 3 seconds to store the selection.

Color Meaning Comments
CRMX Red = 3.3V, Green = 3.3V, Blue = 3.3V
W-DMX G3 Red = 0V, Green = 3.3V, Blue = 0V
W-DMX G4S Red = 3.3V, Green = 0V, Blue = 3.3V