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OS startup behaviour

When MiraOS starts up, it will automatically call the function mira_setup() which is the application's entry point. From here peripherals can be initialised, processes started, etc.

Note: processes started from mira_setup must pause once with a call to PROCESS_PAUSE() immediately after PROCESS_BEGIN() to let the kernel finalise initialisation before executing the process.


MiraOS can use file descriptors to use with dprintf. These can be listed in the MIRA_IODEFS list. The three first are the standard file descriptors stdin, stdout and stderr.

  MIRA_IODEF_NONE,    // fd 0: stdin
  MIRA_IODEF_NONE,    // fd 1: stdout
  MIRA_IODEF_NONE     // fd 2: stderr

These can be mapped towards input/output routines, for instance write/read functions for a UART.


To be able to have printf() sending it's output to a serial terminal on a PC, we would need to map stdout to UART0 and connect UART0 to the PC's serial port.

UART0 needs to be properly initialised for this to work.

  MIRA_IODEF_NONE,    // fd 0: stdin
  MIRA_IODEF_UART(0), // fd 1: stdout
  MIRA_IODEF_NONE     // fd 2: stderr

Minimal MiraOS application

The following application is a minimal MiraOS application. It can be used as a starting point for your applications.

#include <mira.h>

  MIRA_IODEF_NONE,    // fd 0: stdin
  MIRA_IODEF_NONE,    // fd 1: stdout
  MIRA_IODEF_NONE     // fd 2: stderr

PROCESS(main_proc, "Main process");

void mira_setup(void)
  process_start(&main_proc, NULL);

PROCESS_THREAD(main_proc, ev, data)
  // Pause once, so we don't run anything before finish of startup

  // Here's the place for the process' code

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