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The Serial Peripheral Interface bus (SPI) is a synchronous serial communication interface specification used for short distance communication, primarily for inter-chip communication within a single PCB.

SPI devices communicate in full duplex mode using a master-slave architecture with a single master.

MiraOS supports multiple independent instances. Only SPI master is supported currently.



Name Value Description
MIRA_SPI_MODE_0 SPI mode 0. CPOL=0, CPHA=0. Clock idle low, sample data on leading clock edge.
MIRA_SPI_MODE_1 SPI mode 1. CPOL=0, CPHA=1. Clock idle low, sample data on trailing clock edge.
MIRA_SPI_MODE_2 SPI mode 2. CPOL=1, CPHA=0. Clock idle high, sample data on leading clock edge.
MIRA_SPI_MODE_3 SPI mode 3. CPOL=1, CPHA=1. Clock idle high, sample data on trailing clock edge.



Type Name Description
uint32_t frequency SPI clock frequency in Hz. The frequency will be set to the closest, lower or equal, supported frequency.
mira_gpio_pin_t sck_pin
mira_gpio_pin_t mosi_pin
mira_gpio_pin_t miso_pin
mira_gpio_pin_t ss_pin
mira_spi_mode_t mode
mira_bit_order_t bit_order



mira_status_t mira_spi_init(
    uint8_t                   spi_id,
    const mira_spi_config_t*  config);

Initialize SPI peripheral. Before calling this function again mira_spi_uninit has to be called.


Parameter Description
spi_id Peripheral id.
config Configuration. Can be discarded after the return of this function.


See the enum definition.

Value Description
MIRA_SUCCESS The SPI interface was successfully initialized.
MIRA_ERROR_UNKNOWN An unknown error occurred.
MIRA_ERROR_INVALID_ID The SPI id is invalid.
MIRA_SPI_ERROR_CONFIG The config is invalid.
MIRA_SPI_ERROR_MODE The mode is invalid.


mira_status_t mira_spi_uninit(
    uint8_t       spi_id);

Uninitialize SPI peripheral.


Parameter Description
spi_id Peripheral id.


See the enum definition.

Value Description
MIRA_SUCCESS The SPI interface was successfully uninitialized.
MIRA_ERROR_UNKNOWN An unknown error occurred.
MIRA_ERROR_INVALID_ID The SPI id is invalid.


mira_status_t mira_spi_transfer(
    uint8_t       spi_id,
    uint8_t*      tx_buffer,
    uint16_t      tx_buffer_length,
    uint8_t*      rx_buffer,
    uint16_t      rx_buffer_length);

Transmit and receive data. The process calling this function will be sent a PROCESS_EVENT_POLL event after the transmission has completed.


Parameter Description
spi_id Peripheral id.
tx_buffer Buffer containing the data to transmit.
tx_buffer_length Number of bytes to transmit.
rx_buffer Buffer where to store data received while transmitting.
rx_buffer_length Max number of bytes to receive.


See the enum definition.

Value Description
MIRA_ERROR_UNKNOWN An unknown error occurred.
MIRA_ERROR_INVALID_ID The SPI id is invalid.
MIRA_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED The SPI interface is not initialized.
MIRA_SPI_ERROR_BUSY The SPI interface is busy.


mira_bool_t mira_spi_transfer_is_in_progress(
    uint8_t       spi_id);

An SPI transfer is in progress.


Parameter Description
spi_id Peripheral id.


An SPI transfer is in progress.

Value Description
MIRA_TRUE SPI transfer is in progress.
MIRA_FALSE SPI transfer is not in progress.