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Functional description

Supported DALI commands

The list below specifies the currently supported list of substandards of IEC 62386. Any future additions are made available to already deployed modules via LumanRadios Firmware Over The Air feature in the W-DALI app.

IEC 62386 subpart: Description Status
101 General requirements – System components 16 and 24bit fame formats supported
Backward frames supported
Proprietary forward frames or other frame formats not supported
102 General requirements – Control Gear 7 device types are supported per device
Memory banks 0 and 1 are supported
103 General requirements – Control devices Memory banks 0 and 1 are supported
202 Self-contained emergency lighting Supported
205 Incandescent lamp dimmer Supported
207 LED (DT6) Supported
208 Switching Supported
209 Colour control (DT8) Supported
250 Integrated Bus Power Supply Supported
251 Luminaire Data Supported
252 Energy Data Supported
253 Diagnostics & Maintenance Data Supported
301 Push buttons Supported
302 Absolute input devices Supported
303 Occupancy sensors Supported
304 Light sensors Supported

W-DALI reads the following parts of the memory banks as defined in the standards:​

IEC 62386 subpart: Read memory banks
201 6 memory cells​
202-204 15 memory cells​
205 28 memory cells​
206 32 memory cells​
207 7 memory cells​
208 51 memory cells

Furthermore, the following limitations apply:

  • Max 64 part 102 devices (including devices having the same short addresses).​
  • Max 64 part 103 devices (including devices having the same short addresses).​
  • RESET is blocked by default.


Any product with an integrated W-DALI module is compatible with the W-DALI App from LumenRadio. It will simplify commissioning of the system and can be used to perform upgrade of device FW.

W-DALI general functionality

The W-DALI Mesh OEM module ships with identical firmware as the W-DALI Node. Please see the W-DALI Node manual.