There are many example applications in the Mira SDK, including bare metal use of MiraMesh.
Each example includes a README that describes the example more in depth. The examples can be found in the directory mira-examples/
in the Mira SDK.
The examples with documentation can also be found in our mira-examples repository on GitHub.
MiraMesh examples¶
Network sender example¶
This examples shows how to setup a mesh node that will join a network and send UDP packets a root.
Copyright (c) 2017-2020 LumenRadio AB
This code is the property of Lumenradio AB and may not be redistributed in any
form without prior written permission from LumenRadio AB.
This example is provided as is, without warranty.
#include <mira.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#define UDP_PORT 456
#define SEND_INTERVAL 60
static const mira_net_config_t net_config = {
.pan_id = 0x13243546,
.key = {
0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14,
0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24,
0x31, 0x32, 0x33, 0x34,
0x41, 0x42, 0x43, 0x44
* Identifies as a node.
* Sends data to the root.
MIRA_IODEF_NONE, /* fd 0: stdin */
MIRA_IODEF_UART(0), /* fd 1: stdout */
MIRA_IODEF_NONE /* fd 2: stderr */
/* More file descriptors can be added, for use with dprintf(); */
static void udp_listen_callback(
mira_net_udp_connection_t *connection,
const void *data,
uint16_t data_len,
const mira_net_udp_callback_metadata_t *metadata,
void *storage)
uint16_t i;
printf("Received message from [%s]:%u: ",
mira_net_toolkit_format_address(buffer, metadata->source_address),
for (i = 0; i < data_len - 1; i++) {
printf("%c", ((char *) data)[i]);
PROCESS(main_proc, "Main process");
void mira_setup(
mira_status_t uart_ret;
mira_uart_config_t uart_config = {
.baudrate = 115200,
.tx_pin = MIRA_GPIO_PIN(0, 6),
.rx_pin = MIRA_GPIO_PIN(0, 8)
uart_ret = mira_uart_init(0, &uart_config);
if (uart_ret != MIRA_SUCCESS) {
/* Nowhere to send an error message */
process_start(&main_proc, NULL);
PROCESS_THREAD(main_proc, ev, data)
static struct etimer timer;
static mira_net_udp_connection_t *udp_connection;
static mira_net_address_t net_address;
static char buffer[MIRA_NET_MAX_ADDRESS_STR_LEN];
static mira_status_t res;
static const char *message = "Hello Network";
/* Pause once, so we don't run anything before finish of startup */
printf("Starting Node (Sender).\n");
printf("Sending one packet every %d seconds\n", SEND_INTERVAL);
* Set up the Mira Network with a given PAN ID and encryption key.
mira_status_t result = mira_net_init(&net_config);
if(result) {
printf("FAILURE: mira_net_init returned %d\n", result);
while(1) ;
* Open a connection, but don't specify target address yet, which means
* only mira_net_udp_send_to() can be used to send packets later
udp_connection = mira_net_udp_connect(NULL, 0, udp_listen_callback, NULL);
while (1) {
etimer_set(&timer, SEND_INTERVAL * CLOCK_SECOND);
/* Try to retrieve the root address. */
res = mira_net_get_root_address(&net_address);
* If root address is successfully retrieved, send a message
* to the root node on the given UDP Port.
* Close the connection after the message is sent.
if (res != MIRA_SUCCESS) {
printf("Waiting for root address\n");
} else {
printf("Sending to address: %s\n",
mira_net_toolkit_format_address(buffer, &net_address));
mira_net_udp_send_to(udp_connection, &net_address, UDP_PORT,
message, strlen(message));