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W-BACnet is based on MiraMesh 2.9.0. For information on how the networking stack works, see the documentation about MiraMesh networks.

Practical considerations

MiraMesh is designed for robustness and power efficiency in interference-ridden radio environments. These environments can come with a cost to throughput and latency; and while throughput limitations usually are negligible when using BACnet, latency requirements, can potentially pose an issue.

As a general rule, allow 50 ms of latency per network jump from the root node in Round Trip Time (RTT). For example, a node that is 3 jumps away may introduce a latency of 150 ms, compared to a cabled solution. This may have to be considered when configuring timeout parameters on a BACnet MS/TP Controller/Device.

Our recommendation is to set communication timeout parameters of any BACnet MS/TP Controller/Device to at least 1000 ms.

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